Advocatia was honored to be invited to participate in the 2020 UCSF Digital Health Awards. Competing in the category of Best Patient Cost Savings Company, Advocatia CEO, Ryan Brebner, discussed how Advocatia's tools empower both patients and hospital financial counselors to align with the federal, state and local programs available to them so that they can access the healthcare they need for themselves and there families.
"We believe the social safety net is there for a reason," noted Brebner. "We understand that patients delay care because they can't afford to pay, and when they do get care, hospital often wind up providing uncompensated services."
Advocatia's technology allows individuals to identify the programs that make sense for their family based on their unique situation. Programs for those who qualify include Medicaid, Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) and Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). In addition, Advocatia Enrollment Advisors can assist with identifying and enrolling in the Health Insurance Marketplace, often referred to as ObamaCare.
To be selected as the winner by this prestigious organization is indeed an honor. Even more so, however is work we do every day to earn that spot with our customers and their patients. We are proud to have been awarded the "Best Patient Cost Savings Company" by UCSF.